Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel Junior) dans Mon Journal


19AnnonceCaptain Marvel Junior ????
19AnnonceCaptain Marvel JuniorProchainement : Captain Marvel junior????
20AnnonceCaptain Marvel Junior ????
21-24ASCaptain Marvel JuniorLa revanche des fauves (#US The underwater bandits)MacDonald Gene, Binder Otto
25-28ASCaptain Marvel JuniorLa revanche des fauves (#US Revenge of the beasts)MacDonald Gene, Binder Otto
27AnnonceCaptain Marvel JuniorUn épisode complet dans chaque numéro????
28AnnonceCaptain Marvel JuniorUn épisode complet dans chaque numéro????
29RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorLe secret du Sphinx (#US The Secret of the Sphinx)Thompson Bud, Binder Otto
30RC 3pCaptain Marvel Juniorle trapéziste fou s'est échappé ! (#US Captain Marvel Jr. Meets the Acrobat)Schaffenberger Kurt, ????
31RC 3pCaptain Marvel Junior(Le comédien criminel) (#US A One Man Show)Thompson Bud, ????
32RC 3pCaptain Marvel Junior(Le cerveau mécanique) (#US The Crime Machine)????, Binder Otto
33RC 3pCaptain Marvel Juniorla Clef du Mystère (#US The Key To the Mystery)????
34RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorLes doigts de glace (#US Icy Fingers)Raboy Mac, ????
35-36ASCaptain Marvel Junior(Le cambrioleur scientifique) (#US Captain Marvel Jr. Becomes Too Strong)????
37-38ASCaptain Marvel Junior(Les empoisonneurs de journaux) (#US The Poisoned Press)????, Binder Otto
39RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorRoi pour un jour (#US King for a Day)????
40RC 3pCaptain Marvel Junior(le veinard) (#US Double or Nothing)????
41RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorLa plante magique (#US he Magic Beanstalk)Schaffenberger Kurt, Binder Otto
42RC 3pCaptain Marvel Junior(Vendredi 13) {#US Captain Marvel Jr. Fights Superstition)????, Binder Otto
43RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorLe retour du trapéziste (#US The Return of the Acrobat)Schaffenberger Kurt, ????
44-45ASCaptain Marvel JuniorLes hommes volants (#US he Flying Men)Raboy Mac, ????
46RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorLe bouddha maléfique (#US he Unlucky Buddha)Certa Joe, ????
47RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorContre Jumbo la baleine géante (#US Jumbo the Whale)????
48RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorUne bonne leçon (#US The Un-American Way)????
49-50ASCaptain Marvel JuniorUn témoin génant (#US The Drive That Kills)????
51RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorLa forêt maudite (#US None Came Back,)????, Binder Otto
52RC 2,5pCaptain Marvel JuniorFreddy prend des vacances (#US Captain Marvel Jr. Goes On Vacation)Thompson Bud, ????
53RC 2,5pCaptain Marvel JuniorDrame à Luna Park (#US Death on the Scenic Railway)Thompson Bud, ????
54RC 2,5pCaptain Marvel JuniorLe masque noir (#US The Black Shroud)????
55-56ASCaptain Marvel JuniorUn concours mouvementé????
57-58ASCaptain Marvel JuniorFreddy au secours de la science????
59RC 2pCaptain Marvel JuniorFreddy sauve l'honneur d'un policier (#US A Bluecoat's Honor)Thompson Bud, ????
60RC 2pCaptain Marvel JuniorLa grave erreur de Freddy (#US The Great Blunderer)Thompson Bud, ????
61RC 2pCaptain Marvel JuniorLa machine à enregistrer les rêves (#US The Dream Recorder)Thompson Bud, Binder Otto
62-63ASCaptain Marvel JuniorLa chasse au trésor (#US The Hunt For Treasure)????
64RC 2pCaptain Marvel JuniorL'homme le plus faible du monde (#US he World's Weatest Man)Certa Joe, Binder Otto
65RC 2pCaptain Marvel JuniorLe crime de Freddy (#US The Crime of Freddy Freeman)????
66RC 2pCaptain Marvel JuniorLe stylo de vérité (#US The Truth Pen)Thompson Bud, ????
67-68ASCaptain Marvel JuniorUn voyage autour du Cap Horn (#US Voyage Round the Horn)Certa Joe, ????
69RC 3pCaptain Marvel JuniorNoël '#US Freeman's Xmas)Thompson Bud, ????
70-71ASCaptain Marvel JuniorLe monde à l'envers (#US The Land of Backwards)Thompson Bud, ????
72-74ASCaptain Marvel JuniorL'aimant magique (#US The Human Magnet)Thompson Bud, ????
75-76ASCaptain Marvel JuniorContre les bandits au collège (#US Crime On the Campus)Thompson Bud, ????
77-79ASCaptain Marvel JuniorL'île aux monstres (#US The Island Riddle)Thompson Bud, Binder Otto
80-81ASCaptain Marvel JuniorRévolte au zoo (#US The Revolt at the Zoo)Thompson Bud, ????
82-84ASCaptain Marvel JuniorContre les pillards????
85-86ASCaptain Marvel JuniorLe chapeau magique (#US The magic Cap)Thompson Bud, ????


Binder Otto, Certa Joe, MacDonald Gene, Raboy Mac, Schaffenberger Kurt, Thompson Bud

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